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4th SONDRA Workshop in Lacanau : a very good vintage !

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The conference took place from May 23 to 27, 2016 in Lacanau. Fourth of its kind (after Aussois 2007, Cargese 2010 and Hyères 2013) it brought together nearly 100 scientists, one third of them from Singapore.

The opening ceremony took place under the High Patronage of His Excellency Mr. Zainal Arif Mantaha, Ambassador of Singapore, who reaffirmed the importance of the collaboration established within the alliance between CentraleSupelec, ONERA, the University of Singapore and the DSO.

More than a third of the participants came from organizations or companies outside the alliance, thus strengthening ties with SONDRA for future collaborations.
About sixty scientific papers were the subject of presentations and exchanges in the fields of signal processing, electromagnetic wave physics, radar imaging. New from this fourth conference organized by the alliance, a day was also devoted to broader themes, such as drones and nano-satellite technologies. Presentations by guest speakers from Japan, the United States and Italy also completed the panorama of technologies of interest for the SONDRA alliance. According to Marc Lesturgie, Director of the laboratory, the conference was, to judge by the return of participants from previous editions, of a very “good vintage”. The “Lacanau 2016” was also a good vintage in the true sense of the term as evidenced by the evening of tasting of great Bordeaux wines organized on site, to the delight of French and foreign participants.

Marc Lesturgie